Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have online booking?
Yes, you can book online.
You can also book through Performance Physio & Rehab; call 07 5444 0394 or
email [email protected]
or contact Geoff directly: [email protected]
What are your operating hours?
Online appointments are available during the afternoons and evening.
What if I’m travelling away from home; can I still attend my appointments?
Yes, Many of Geoff’s clients travel with their sport or work. This is not a problem as the appointments are online so you can be anywhere you have a mobile or internet connection
Do I need a referral to book a session with Geoff?
No, just go to the booking page.
Do you accept mental health plans?
Yes we accept mental health care plans as well as WorkCover, DVA, and insurance.
Please use these details when talking to your GP or case manager:
Dr. Geoff Lovell – Psychologist
Performance Physio & Rehab
16 Walan St, Mooloolaba, 4557, QLD
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07 5444 0394
Do I need special software for the online sessions?
No, just a good internet connection.